Have you ever been going through your life, day in and day out, with some sort of routine? Have you been doing this for so long that you start to feel like you are no longer living? Just a Ghost, wondering around in the daze of constant purgatory? I'm sure you have. As of right now in my life, I feel that way.
Hello. For all intensive purposes, my name is Casper. Yes, I know, the whole ghost intro and the URL is a bit much, but I wanted to create a Blog where no one would know who I am. This way, I can write whatever I want to, and not worry about it seeping into my personal life. Kind of like a ghost forgotten and unrecognizable.
Some might say, why not just write a personal diary and keep it locked up? Well, truth is, I have been doing that but its hard to keep up with writing everyday, and I've always liked to type. Plus, I feel like if my opinions and thoughts on everyday life can help someone, why not try and share it? I would do it publicly, but there are certain opinions I have and stories of my life, that are private, and I don't feel comfortable telling all of them and everyone know who I am. Maybe one day I'll come out and say my real identity, but until then, I'll just stick to my self prescribed nickname Casper.
This is cool